• On Behalf Of Reform Sentence Or reform term in this time [is] often utilized for the purpose of different- different. Though [is] elementary the than fundamental- the gist of one's thoughts from student in triggering reform [is] certifiable life desire for most people, free from the corruption, reached living cost, democratic and fair governance selected dispassionately, ethics of social and moral public walk well, discipline and law which straighten and function, and also rights- well guaranted human being primary rights Reform (it) is true require to be [done/conducted] recuring- repeat from generation to generation. Each;Every student circle nowadays make a move for the demand of its in order to reform. just Fair now if (there are) any demand by using reform term [of] but is not interconnected denan reform. We just see in general election campaign, discussion jurkam on behalf of small people, a lot of program which [is] [is] performed [a] word used to denote [is] importance nation and small people, people dissipate to force on behalf of public interest, people look for popular and charming disperse on behalf of poorness, so that if/when our adverse opinion us [is] stamped [do] not patriotic or defector. More hard it[him] people can kill on behalf of peace and security. Bizzare once if/when cleft billows [done/conducted] [by] on behalf of association and union. And on behalf of development and future, made [by] debt in nominal [of] amount which is beyond the reach of area production.] • Who Care’s ? Development [of] a[n society anywhere is not quit of the existence of intellectual clan interference. Its meaning is not wrong with sentence as renewal exponent. Change non-stoped happened [in] all life aspect will influence the other change aspect circle. Form altered [do] not have to be looked into and always [go] to [at] new form [of] progress, however that change might possibly will [go] to [at] form which have preexisted, or even [go] to [at] other form concurrently Our fatherland stand in need of the attention which really from all of us, as its citizen. This matter have to make the us righteously berfikir why our State image be at the low dot [is] eye of world society. With the occurence [of] various accident event making to lower the nya of security and safety, unemployment, poorness, drugs, disease epidemic, not to mention achievement smearing face and Indonesia name from our own behavior that is KKN ( corruption, kolusi and nepotism) and environment problem in the form of fores fire, illegal loging, and disaster. [is] Difficult likely comprehended altogether that floodlighted [at] management of bureaucracy and State which (it) is true still must be done nya REFORM. our Solidarity Social need improve and we develop;build to finish its complex [is] our nation problems. If careful us [of] sound of hadist Rasulullah SAW mentioning that, " People- the faithful ( or people islam) that like physic which is one, where if one of its organ [is] ill hence other organ follow to feel the fever for the reason". Hence why difficult us walk arm in arm in step along target, this become the smart of all of us liver. Matter ought to be this become our focus [is] togather, to return to see the value and authorized capital of clan movement what have literate with the society support from various element to make the change and voice the phenomenon- phenomenon of people event, nationality, and political. • Habitat is Growing Of Social Capital We losing social capital, becoming base assess the- value in realizing secure and prosperous society, fair, prosperous and getbless Allah SWT. Social capital becoming a[n strength of community humanistic and democratic to care with the common interest. One matter which now [is] often seen in our life [is] final- this [is] the loss of feeling trust usher the existing component humanity, conflict usher the group and problems social which patologis progressively become commplete of life nuance. The effect of capitalist system have made the people orient [at] ownself and less think the others prosperity For that according to view of Paul Wachel ( 1989) which [is] [is] taken away from [by] its article [is] Prof. Djamaludin Ancok,Ph.D. there are some matter which we can [do/conduct] in develop;building and realizing to return the capital social for the movement of return the system society which with quality as according to reform desire, that is fertilize the capital social, place spring [it] and growing of capital social in the form of : Society orienting " WE ARE" non " WE", society [of] like this will focussed the attention and action [it] [at] effort of[is make-up of progress and prosperity with. This society will yield a[n society characteristic which with quality a. Society which shake off the yoke A lot of grind [done/conducted] by all power and capital owner in them which [do] not have capital, head [of] [at] subordinate, those with knowledge to them which don't have the knowledge b. Society which free from to have cold feet to submit the different opinion with the power or head. Free from to have cold feet will be terrorized which different unrightious disperse [of] view with the different other;dissimilar group c. Society which free from to treat the diskriminatif Majoring common interest. We nation which multi culture, multi of religion and multi faction, [is] oftentimes happened [by] the prilaku which mendisriminasikan [of] a[n faction. Going into effect of it area autonomy felt [by] a strarting there [is] influence to discrimination suku,itu can be seen [at] majoring of putra area in service governance and or economic opportunity d. transparent society in course of nation Society [is] entitled to know the activity, governmental budgeting so that society know where fund finished. For that society will trust in the government e. Government which have partner [to] with the society constructive Development activity determined by how far people invited [by] aspiration as partner, since planning come up with the programme and evaluate its result. Government ought to be powered [of] society in development activity, governmental only instruct the society [of] non dribbling society for governmental willingness f. Society develop;building caring Caring very just required by whom. Humanity caring, caring [of] the rich [at] the impecunious, caring those who own the opportunity [of] [at] power with those who [do] not own [it], caring [of] [at] environmental continuity and caring [of] [at] norm order live society. In Organizational life, whether/what organization public, organizational [of] politics, organizational [of] social, organizational [of] business, institute the society and institute the other social ought to have the character of the border passage with forming sinergi usher the activity. Therefore a[n society owning a lot of organization ought to have the way of to bring into contact the different society importance- difference in a[n basin, so that a sinergi which are positive can be obtained. Organization which in character this polisentrik [is] supposing five hand finger. Thumb finger [is] governmental executive, the index finger [is] education institute, middle finger [is] religious institute, ring finger [is] businessmen and finger [of] little finger [is] ordinary people deputized Without one of the finger will very decreasing a hand grasp. All the things to fertilize the capital social needed for us with in a struggle [of] [through/ passing] cooperation usher the community humanity for the menghaslikan of collective action. So that need the capital social to [doing/conducting] of returning next reform [so that/ to be] (it) is true correctness- real correct existing of quality of human being [of] Indonesia capable to berfikir and well-informed, full (of) idea in searching repair and renewal, making condition [of] around nya become the goodness, succeeding to form the unity of personality in x'self, be in control of prosperous and fair society [is] which diridhoi ALLAH SWT. Amen…………..


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