Ketahanan dan Keamanan Pangan dalam Pencerdasan Anak Bangsa
The impact of poor nutrition or malnutrition and famine that struck Indonesia's children happened lately to make the government take strategic steps in preventing as much as possible so that the quality of quality of Indonesian human resources are not worse off later on. With the problems of malnutrition, the government and the public are increasingly aware that the need for animal protein is the major requirement.
The development of public knowledge about nutrition along with the improvement in the level of knowledge and economy, which means it will increase the demand proteinhewani as a source of food. Today the national per capita consumption for meat at 6:05 kg / year and 6.69 kg milk / year.
Consumption of poultry meat in 2004 amounted to 3.91 kg / capita / year while the eggs of 4:11 kg / capita / year. In general, meat consumption to the national need is 480,000 tons / year, only capable of being met by domestic product amounted to 140,000 tons / year.
Livestock development has shown an increase, one of the indicator is already achieving an increase of GDP (Gross Domestic Improvement) of 6.35% of 6:35 M dollars. In the year 2005 is predicted to grow by 7-8%. Based on the results of development potential and the reality of the farm, then in 2003 as the year of Revival Animal Husbandry and Animal Health for the purpose of reminding the government so determined to make agriculture, especially livestock sector, the focus of national development so as to improve the economic welfare of this rakyat.Hal recalled the importance of fulfilling the nutritional needs of protein animal products - limited produkya free proven AI (Avian Influenza) liked all the generations of traditional Indonesia and grow healthy children.
The development of public knowledge about nutrition along with the improvement in the level of knowledge and economy, which means it will increase the demand proteinhewani as a source of food. Today the national per capita consumption for meat at 6:05 kg / year and 6.69 kg milk / year.
Consumption of poultry meat in 2004 amounted to 3.91 kg / capita / year while the eggs of 4:11 kg / capita / year. In general, meat consumption to the national need is 480,000 tons / year, only capable of being met by domestic product amounted to 140,000 tons / year.
Livestock development has shown an increase, one of the indicator is already achieving an increase of GDP (Gross Domestic Improvement) of 6.35% of 6:35 M dollars. In the year 2005 is predicted to grow by 7-8%. Based on the results of development potential and the reality of the farm, then in 2003 as the year of Revival Animal Husbandry and Animal Health for the purpose of reminding the government so determined to make agriculture, especially livestock sector, the focus of national development so as to improve the economic welfare of this rakyat.Hal recalled the importance of fulfilling the nutritional needs of protein animal products - limited produkya free proven AI (Avian Influenza) liked all the generations of traditional Indonesia and grow healthy children.
Dampak adanya gizi buruk atau busung lapar yang menimpa anak-anak Indonesia yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini membuat pemerintah mengambil langkah-langkah strategis dalam melakukan pencegahan semaksimal mungkin agar mutu kualitas SDM Indonesia tidak semakin terpuruk nantinya. Dengan adanya permasalahan gizi buruk, pemerintah dan masyarakat semakin sadar bahwa kebutuhan protein hewani merupakan kebutuhan utama.
Perkembangan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang gizi seiring dengan semakin membaiknya tingkat pengetahuan dan ekonomi, yang berarti akan meningkatkan permintaan proteinhewani sebagai sumber pangan. Dewasa ini konsumsi nasional perkapita untuk daging sebesar 6.05 kg/tahun dan susu 6.69 kg/tahun.
Konsumsi daging unggas pada tahun 2004 sebesar 3.91 kg/kapita/tahun sedangkan telur sebesar 4.11 kg/kapita/tahun. Secara umum kebutuhan konsumsi daging untuk kebutuhan nasional adalah 480.000 ton/tahun, hanya mampu terpenuhi oleh produk dalam negeri sebesar 140.000 ton/tahun.
Pembangunan peternakan telah menunjukkan peningkatan, salah satu indikatornya adalah telah tercapainya peningkatan PDB (Peningkatan Domestik Bruto) sebesar 6,35 % dari 6.35 M rupiah. Pada tahun 2005 diprediksi akan tumbuh sebesar 7-8 %. Berdasarkan potensi dan kenyataan hasil pembangunan peternakan, maka tahun 2003 sebagai tahun Kebangkitan Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan maka dengan maksud untuk mengingatkan pemerintah agar bertekad menjadikan pertanian khususnya sektor peternakan menjadi fokus pembangunan nasional sehingga mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi rakyat.Hal ini mengingatkan pentingnya pemenuhan kebutuhan gizi protein hewani yang produk - produkya terbatas terbukti bebas AI (Avian Influenza) disukai semua generasi dan anak Indinesia tumbuh sehat.
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